Monday, July 18, 2011

18 July 2011

I only wrote for about an hour today--I'm being generous in that estimate--from around 8:30PM.  I finished less than a page, I think, but I was pleasantly surprised.

Today I was fine-tuning Uli's entrance, and while for the most part I struggled over minor things--in what order to describe her features; how to make her sound tough without turning her into a bully cliche.  Ultimately I decided that she's not really purely tough.  I really liked this.  It gave her more depth and, I think, brought her closer to the Uli in my head.  Moreover, it allowed us to get a better look at why Seffy is so drawn to her.  And it allowed me to write the kind of long, esoteric passage I like, but I don't quite expect that to make the final version.

That's all I wrote.

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